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Cockerham Parochial

Church of England Primary School

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Autumn 1 2024 - Our first orienteering lesson

Autumn 1 2024 - Curriculum Overview

Spring 2 Year 1 and 2 Curriculum Overview

Lancaster Castle, Priory and Police Museum Trip

Shape Poems - exploring trees and leaves

Fire Safety Talk with Firefighter John

Making Remembrance Poppies

Fireworks Art and Safety

Mental Health and Archery warm up

Mental Health and Pilates

NHS Mental Health and Yoga session

NISCU Harvest and Thanksgiving Visit

Autumn 1 2023

Prince Cinders Drama video

Still image for this video

Prince Cinders Drama!

We are going on a leaf hunt

Fantastic First Aid

DT - Fruit Tasting

Science - Labelling parts of the body

PE - Parachute Games

Archive 2022 - 2023

Swallow Class is made up of children in Year 1 and Year 2.  The children are supported in their learning by the class teacher, Miss Sarah Wragg and Teaching Assistant. Miss Wragg is an experienced teacher who, as the children move from the EYFS to KS1, continues to place children and their interests at the centre of teaching and learning. She is an English specialist and a Maths Mastery Specialist. She is responsible for the School Curriculum and ensuring our curriculum reflects our vision and values with high aspirations for all children. 

Miss Wragg works together closely with the KS1 Team to ensure that the children have a smooth transition from Robin Class and settle well into their new nurturing and exciting learning environment. The classroom includes continuous provision and opportunity for the children to practise using real money as they plan and purchase items for their own creative ideas. We also have access to two fantastic outdoor areas.

Miss Wragg is trialling Focus children in Autumn term in Swallow Class. Four children will be the focus each week and their families will have opportunity to tell school about their child's interests, key events/celebrations, strengths and challenges and the children will be able to bring in items to tell us more about them and share these with the rest of the class. During the week, staff particularly focus on the four children's interests, learning, strengths and challenges and focus on helping them to achieve their best in their learning, encouraging their enquiring mind and supporting their social skills to respect themselves and others. We  record their interactions with staff/peers, where they have met objectives within the National Curriculum and their next steps and feedback to parents on how they can support them at home. Parents have the opportunity to have a short meeting with Miss Wragg during their child's Focus week.

From Spring term, the weekly Focus Children will continue to bring in items and talk to the class about something special to them and relevant to our topic. Laster term it was linked to our Geography 'My Favourite Place' and this term will be linked to 'My Interesting Intriguing Animal.'


