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Cockerham Parochial

Church of England Primary School

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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


The children in year 1 are taught by Mrs Hodgkinson / Mrs Holden in a morning and Mrs Brucciani in an afternoon. 


Activities are planned so that the children enjoy a rich and diverse curriculum with a vast range of activities which are carefully tailored to children's needs and interests. 


P.E. lessons will take place on a Wednesday morning and Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure the children have their  P.E. kit and trainers on those days, ensuring all clothing items are clearly named. The children will engage in a range of activities throughout the year to develop their fundamental movement skills.


We have worship every day. This is led by Mrs Hutchins, Reverend Gary, staff from school or sometimes our worship team. This is a lovely time for us all to sing, pray, learn about our Christian values, local and global events and to share ideas and have time to reflect. Sometimes worship is in the hall with the whole school or sometimes it is in our class groups. We say a prayer at lunch time and at the end of the school day. 


We love reading at Cockerham School. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of sharing books together.  The children will bring a reading book home. The expectation is to read at least 3 times a week in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills. Please ensure that your child brings their reading book to school every day. Spellings will be given out and tested every Monday. 


If you have any concerns or questions throughout the year, please feel free to contact Mrs Hodgkinson, Mrs Holden or Mrs Brucciani.

