New Starters 2024
Welcome to all our new parents and children who will be starting with us in September 2024.
Letters and information to help with the transition from nursery to school will be sent out via our EYFS APP Tapestry and put in this section for you too.
Any questions please contact school via the office and we will be happy to answer them for you.
We are all looking forward to welcoming you to our school family here at Cockerham.
A few things to help:
Your child's class and year group website pages are a wealth of information.
The parent calendar on the website helps to keep you up to date with events and information.
Always check your child's book bag, coat pockets and PE bags for letters as these can be 'lost in transit' from the classroom to home.
School dinners are free to KS and EYFS children and they will be offered fruit snacks at morning breaktimes.
PE bags need to be in school at all times.
Please label EVERYTHING that comes into school as things go missing and this makes it easier to return items.
We are always happy to chat with you so if you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to contact staff.